Monday, October 28, 2013

The Real Deal

Last week I made an informal announcement regarding the sale of my novel, Heraclix & Pomp, to Resurrection House publishing. Here is the text of the announcement at the Resurrection House website. Writing Heraclix & Pomp was a joy - one of the most fun writing exercises of my career. I learned to love these characters, in a strange sort of auctorial way. They're  . . . well, there's no sane way to say this, so I'll just blurt it out - Heraclix and Pomp are good friends who live in my head. Needless to say, I am very excited to share their story with the rest of the world. Here's the formal announcement or, if you want all the clever graphics and such, go here:

"Now that we’re done sucking all the helium out of the launch balloons and the white doves carrying our message have all fluttered off to the ends of the earth, it’s time to get down to business. It’s one thing to talk about books, but it’s another to actually get them into your hands, and so we’ve taken the first steps in getting that done: buying some books and getting distribution lined up.

We’re happy to report that Resurrection House and its imprints will be distributed by Publishers Group West (PGW) and its various affiliates.

On the acquisition front, we’ve purchased a couple of books. HERACLIX & POMP by Forrest Aguirre, and CHIMPANZEE and TOTEM by Darin Bradley. HERACLIX & POMP and CHIMPANZEE will be part of our Fall 2014 schedule, and TOTEM will be out for Fall 2015. We’ll get catalog pages up for them when we get the art squared away, but here are some brief descriptions of the books to whet your appetites in the meantime.


Heraclix was dead and Pomp was immortal. That was before Heraclix’s reanimation (along with the sewn-together pieces and parts of many other dead people) and Pomp’s near murder at the hands of an evil necromancer. As they travel from Vienna to Prague to Istanbul and back again (with a side-trip to Hell), they struggle to understand who and what they are: Heraclix seeks to know the life he had before his death and rebirth, and Pomp wrestles with the language and meaning of mortality. As they journey across a land rife with revolution and unrest, they discover the evil necromancer they thought dead might not be so dead after all. In fact, he might be making a pact to ensure his own immortality . . ."

PS: My writing fez actually makes an appearance in the book. Well, many appearances. And not as my writing fez, but as a symbol for something far more sinister. 


If you like my writing and want to help my creative endeavors, ko-fi me at Every little bit is seen and appreciated! Thank you!

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