Friday, January 4, 2013

Moebius Arzach PB

Moebius Arzach PBMoebius Arzach PB by Jean-Marc Lofficier
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Very, very disappointed with this. I am a big fan of Moebius and have been since the early '80s heyday of Heavy Metal Magazine. Lofficier's story is tried and trite, banal. Some art is better left un-worded, if I can invent a word (or is that an "unword")? The prose in this book is as bad as Moebius' art is good, which is saying something. I found the storytelling formulaic and just plain unoriginal. Anyone capable of putting one word in front of another could have written this overwrought, yet flat story (stories, really, to be fair). Only Moebius amazing art lifts this from one to two stars. Even then, don't bother. The black-and-white illustrations in this volume are available elsewhere in vivid color. I see that this book is rather expensive on the used book market. Better to save it up and buy a full fledged Moebius graphic novel than this one-picture-per-chapter cheapening of his amazing art.

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